
Influenza – Prescription made easy
Influenza – A Contagious epidemic catarrhal fever with great prostration and varying symptoms and sequelae.
Aim- To make prescription easy in case of influenza.
Influenza is most common illness which is prevalent, sometimes proving fatal also. Prescribing then should be accurate so that it doen’nt prove fatal, on missing the correct remedy.Here our observation and case taking plays an important role. Below certain pointers of remedies are given which is usefull in treating influenza to make prescription precise and address the condition in time and speed up the recovery.
The list is as follows-

  • 1)Antim tart(Knr)-
  • – Vertigo in influenza.
  • -Dullness in influenza.
  • -White/Yellow coated tongue in influenza.
  • -Aphthae in mouth in influenza.
    -Nausea in influenza.
    -Vomiting in influenza.
    -Emptiness feeling in stomach in influenza.
    -Painfull pressure in forehead in influenza.
    -Abortion during influenza epidemic.
    -Delirium in influenza.
    -Dryness of nose in influenza.
    -Great heat face in influenza.
    -Tongue brown in influenza.
    -Cracked tongue in influenza.
    -Dry tongue in influenza.
    -Dyspnoea ( difficult labored breathing) in influenza.
    -Violent pain neck and back in influenza.
    -Faintness in influenza.
    -Spasmodic sneezing on going in open air in influenza.
    -Heat of face with chilliness and coldness of limbs or chilliness running up back returning every ten minutes.
    -Dull with fluent coryza in influenza.
    -Epistaxis in influenza.
    -Bleeding mouth in influenza.
    5)Eupatorium Perf-
    -Bones pain influenza.
    – Aching bones as if bones were broken in influenza (Knr, Cjh).
    – Painfull soreness of eyes during coryza with aching in every bone (HCA, EBN).
    6)Rhus tox(Knr)-
    -Sneezing all night follows sudden cessation of cough in influenza.
    -Sneezing prevents talking in morning.
    -Sneezing worse on uncovering body.
    -Swelling face morning in influenza.
    -Stiffness neck and back in influenza.
    -Anxiety and apprehension that he will be able to breathe only for a short time.
    -Aching in all bones with influenza.
    -Anguish agony from choking in influenza.
    -Face blue or bluish red in influenza.
    -Fainting (syncope) in influenza.
    8)Arsenic alb(Knr)-
    -Sneezing violent in influenza.
    – Paroxysms of anxiety < night in influenza.
    -Sneezing causes pain in chest in influenza.
    -Pain in forehead with copious thick expectoration, chilliness,vomiting,loss of app,loose stools restlessness and sleeplessness.
    -Excessive dry and painfull( mucous membrane)of nose in influenza.
    -Nose feeling as if stopped in influenza.
    -Cough after influenza in children.
    -Diarrhoea in influenza.
    -Derangement of digestion with influenza.
    -Headache with catarrhal symptoms and sneezing in influenza.
    -Abortion during influenza epidemic.
    -Influenza with violent catarrh followed by bronchitis.
    -Hectic fever after influenza.
    -Faceache with influenza.
    -Bursting pain in head during influenza.
    Conclusion- Recovery is fast if prescribed remedy is accurate, one of the way of prescription based on PQRS symptoms can be used to select the remedy and help the patient recover fast in harmless way in case of influenza.
    Sources-(Knr) Knerr’s repertory of Hering’s guiding symptom.
    HCA- H C Allen Keynotes and characteristics.
    EBN- E B Nash leaders inHomoeopathic therapeutics.
    (K)- Kent J T Repertory Homoeopathic M M.


Uterine Fibroid

Uterine Fibroid

Introduction – Uterine fibroids (UF) or benign growth found in uterus, are found in 25% to 35% women of reproductive age.

Causes of uterine fibroid

  • Most often unclear,

  • often found with increased oestrogen levels.

  • Genetic factor also plays the role.


  • Excessive, prolonged irregular bleeding

  • Pain in lower abdomen during menses.


  • USG[abdomen and pelvis]

Conventional treatment

  • NSAID’s

  • Hormonal tablets

  • Intra uterine device

  • Hysterectomy

Homeopathy treatment-

Early, mild to modeate sized fibroids respond better as compared to larger sized fibroids.Homeopathy treatment is based on totality of symptoms present in the patient.Most often the remedies which have been found usefull are as given below-

  • Calcarea carbonica

  • Pulsatilla

  • Phosphorus,

  • Lycopodium

  • Sulphur

  • Kali carbonica

There was significant change in size and symptoms of the patients with the treatment.